A new version of this game is coming soon to Steam! Please check back soon for more information about Bungee Ferret Tossing 1.5!
We've discovered the location of a terrorist base on U.S. soil. But because of their advanced radar technology, a direct attack is impossible. Our only option is to send in one stealth helicopter, and one brave soldier... hanging from a bungee cord, and armed with the most advanced Ferret Weapons Technology. But will it be enough to overcome the terrorists, their advanced weaponry, and...hired ninjas?
Bungee Ferret Tossing combines action-packed arcade-style gameplay with a unique, fun control scheme. The result is something you can't experience anywhere else!
As super-soldier Fernando Poutine, you must storm the terrorists' desert base! They'll come at you with guns, rockets, high-powered rifles, chainguns and even maniacal laughter. Fearless ninjas will call upon years of training and think nothing of trying to bring down your helicopter with their swords. But our Ferret Engineers are hard at work developing Timed Ferrets, Proximity Ferrets, Homing Ferrets and Cluster Ferrets, which ought to even the odds a bit!
Use BFT's unique dual-stick, dual-trigger control scheme to target the terrorists with pinpoint accuracy while swinging in style! Once your Fever gauge is full, activate the Fever ability to slow down the enemy, making it easier to turn the tide! Pick up powerups to gain an even bigger advantage. But look out for the Majestic Exploding Eagle! Despite its graceful appearance, it can make things miserable for anyone foolish enough to get too close!
Want to take on the terrorists with a partner? Is there someone you trust enough to fly the helicopter for you? Hand off the piloting duties, and you'll only have to focus on your swing, the length of your bungee cord, throwing ferrets, and...actually communicating with your pilot! (Good luck!)
Are you a shooting game purist? Does the thought of a lifebar make you scoff? Try Hardcore Mode! Instead of the usual lifebars, Hardcore Mode replaces them with a distinct life count, changing the way you'll play the game. Up to three bonus lives can be earned, based on your performance.
Looking for something extra? BFT also features a Survival Mode, where you face an endless assault for as long as possible! It just gets more and more difficult, until the screen is loaded with bullets and Fever becomes your lifeline! You can also try the exciting, fast-paced Time Attack Mode! Collect numbered chips to increase the multiplier, then cause as much carnage as you can...all in three minutes! In this, and all other modes, go for the top scores and compete worldwide with Internet Ranking, right here on www.yyrgames.com!
What awaits in the heart of the terrorist base? Will you be able to keep America safe? Find out for just ONE DOLLAR in the action-packed Bungee Ferret Tossing!
BFT started as a random game idea pitched on the long-running Orange Lounge Radio video game podcast. Almost four years later, I've brought the game to life. Originally, it was meant to be a gimmick first, and a game second...something that I threw together in a month, to see if I could make a playable game in that short amount of time, and something I'd release on an alternative label. The experiment was unsuccessful; I have worked hard to polish BFT into something special, a title that I'm truly proud of. I'm releasing it on my original yyrGames label with no regrets! I can honestly say that, perhaps, it was a gimmick at first...but BFT is no mere gimmick any more. It's an honest-to-goodness game, and one that I find completely enjoyable. I think you'll agree!
WARNING: The concept of "Bungee Ferret Tossing" is a joke. NEVER throw an animal in real life...our animal friends feel pain, just as we do. Plus, it's illegal! By playing BFT, you agree that I'm not responsible if you're convicted of a crime. So I hope you'll join me in loving and respecting the animals who share our Earth with us. Thanks! =)
(A donation of approximately 10% of my after-tax revenues on BFT will be made to North Shore Animal League, the world's largest animal rescue and adoption organization, based in Port Washington, NY. For more information on NSAL or to make a donation directly, go to www.animalleague.org. NSAL has not endorsed or sponsored either me or this game.)