Here's what I've been up to!
I survived the Web site upgrade!
A former co-worker of mine convinced me not to use WordPress when I set up my Web site back in...oh, I don't even know. Probably in 2011 or 2012 or so. Why? Because--at least at that time--WordPress sites were notoriously easy to hack and exploit. Drupal seemed to be a bit more secure, so I went with Drupal 7, which was the latest version at the time.
Dev Diary, 10/30/2024
I don't think anyone quite appreciates the level of effort required to publish a game on Steam. Or anywhere else, for that matter.
Dev Diary, 7/17/2024
My intent was to do this a lot more frequently, especially once this new Web site goes live. I guess I need to get this Web site live!
It is truly difficult to convey just how much work I've done on Super Duper Multitasking since the last time I wrote here. A convention will cause that. I raced to refine and/or finish features in the weeks leading up to TooManyGames, I furiously worked to fix issues mid-convention, and then, in the days following that weekend, I fixed and refined many more things. The finish line is starting to appear in the distance. I've been working on Multitasking since 2015, and finally, all these years later, the end is finally in sight!
Dev Diary, 5/29/2024
Hey everyone!
I'm hoping to post more regular updates going forward...weekly, if possible. I'll mark these as "dev diary," and the latest post will be front & center on the home page of this here site! This way, you can see exactly what I've been up to, since it's not really otherwise evident that I've been working on anything; I haven't released a new game in quite some time now!